No the Knights Who until recently said ne Actually Say Icky-Icky-Icky-Ptang-Zoop-Boing! followed (muffle noise unable to make out sound) this is pronounced "eky eky Pitang zoop bong." proof of this is in the subtitles for all you people who illegally downloaded it! And Graham Chapman came back from the dead and told me so himself. so Have that, Ne
"a shrubbery"
no you are ponucing it Wrong it's Pi-Tang
Get on with it
"Scene Twenty-Four"
by Urban Dictionary March 29, 2005
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very talktive, and most of tha time funny
by KGeN_20o1 April 2, 2003
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is now said by the knights who to recently said Ni.
monty python...yea...
We are now the knights who say 'ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-fuhclang-zoom-boing!'
by Hah June 11, 2004
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What Bill Oddie says when a normal person would say 'fuck me rigid' or words to that effect.
Kate Humble: I'm going public about our relationship, Bill. By tomorrow morning the world will know about your propensity for freeform nambling and Belgian biscuit, you sick bastard.

Bill Oddie: Oh, ecky thump.
by Lord Grimcock November 15, 2009
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adj. slang; high on the drug MDMA, better known as Ecstasy (Scottish dialect)
Ye ken what it's like whin yir aw eckied up...
by Existential Ghost November 6, 2009
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When you’re coming down off MDMA after the weekend
“Man I got the ecky Tuesdays, went a bit hard on the lines the other night”
by Blazeit2umakeit December 4, 2019
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Another phrase used in the same way as ee bah gum to show surprise or curiosity to something
"Ecky Thump, what's going on 'ere?"
by Proper Sheffield lad July 30, 2021
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