The opposite of an base: an acid.
Hyrdochloric acid is not a base, therefore it is a debaser.
by Sean March 12, 2004
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Quincy : Can I lick your pee-pee?
Debaser: Clancey can handle it..
by matt November 17, 2003
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To lower the dignity of oneself, to lower the value, significance
Rocco, why are you self-debasing yourself for money?
by It's only smellz August 8, 2014
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One who uses the internet to debase(see definition for "debase").
"Oh, it's that kid again who curses only when he's online. What a digital debaser..."
by Patrick Breeden January 15, 2004
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The act of debating with oneself.
"I'm feeling debasive about the name of my cat."
by nocabdrolhtiseht November 22, 2013
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