Aggressive, Intelligent, and Talented, Dave Mustaine is the founder/rhythm guitarist/lead vocalist for the Thrash Metal band, Megadeth. Dave Mustaine Joined Metallica in 1982, only to be kicked out after writing many riffs for the band due to his severe alcoholism and drug abuse. Sometime after than, he formed Megadeth. He has also created Gigantour, a travelling metal music festival, which started in 2007. Dave Mustaine is a Born-Again Christian, and a devout spiritualist.
Dave Mustaine is one of the best guitarists in the world.
by Chthulu Mythos August 27, 2009
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The man behind Megadeth. Formed Megadeth after he was kicked out of Metallica for drug abuse. He was both the lead guitarist and lead vocalist of Megadeth, until he injured the nerves in his arm and Megadeth disbanded without him.
Dave Mustaine is a great thrash guitarist and a "born-again christian".
by John June 22, 2005
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Former Metallica guitarist. Was kicked out after being a drunkard/punching James Hetfield/not swallowing with Lars. They used his ideas for virtually all of their first two albums. Which were probably the only good ones. He decided to form a band called Megadeth. He was once in Metallica...he mentions it in every interview. Megadeth were one of the Big Four of thrash, along with Slayer, Anthrax and Metallica who Dave was once in. Dave is famously ginger. Recently became an uberchristian, but is still an amazing guitarist with a huge ego and a chip on his shoulder because of what those people in Metallica did to him. Wears flannel shirts onstage and can play riffs nobody else can. He was also once in a band called Metallica. Most famous for 'Hangar 18', 'Tornado Of Souls', 'Symphony Of Destruction', 'In The Navy' and 'Mechanix', which Metallica stole for 'The Four Horsemen'. At one time, Mustaine was a member of Metallica though so it's fine.
I heard Dave Mustaine was in a band before Megadeth, after Panic. I think it was slayer. No...Pantera. No...who was it?
by adolf cockalorum June 13, 2008
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Dave Mustain is the very talented Guitarist and lead singer of the heavy metal band Megadeth, he is otherwise notorious for getting kicked out of the band Metallica in his early days because of his unhealthy behaviour. Among amateur rock musicians, likening a band member to dave Mustaine means that they are unprofessional and that their general attitude impedes on the overall quality of the band, because they can't walk the line for example. Note that the real Dave Mustaine is a musical genius (regardless of his other problems), but a "Dave Mustaine" doesn't have to be particularly talented.
-Hey Slash, how's your band?
-It's O.K., but our lead singer is a fucking Dave Mustaine! We probably wouldn't keep him if he wasn't so talented.
-Oh, he is good? So he is like a real dave Mustaine then!
by Zub January 12, 2006
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His name would still be confined to his mom's house if it weren't for Metallica.
Dave Mustaine sucks.
by Chaosmetal666 August 11, 2008
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After being kicked out of Metallica for being a whiney little bitch Dave Mustaine formed Megadeth a half decent band. Everything he does is second best leading to the catchphrase.... "Dave Mustaine sucks balls" I hear that.

Dave Mustaine is used as an insult to a person that is a whiney little bitch.
by smuel June 9, 2010
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