Nando's (Portuguese Piri Piri Chicken Franchise)
Are you hungry. I could murder a Jill Dando's
by Pugwash2080 April 11, 2009
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When a strange man turns up to your front door and stabs you.
by Malo_ October 26, 2017
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dartford slang for speed.derived from the man of eternal youth
wheres me dando
by les nolan December 28, 2004
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a person with big teeth and like telling on their brother cuz their dando's, also known as a noun dando aslam comes from the name atif aslam
OH MY GOD! look at angeli she's such a dando aslam
by dandu master March 30, 2009
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My question is why is she so loud? Do not be a Shanice Dando. Always shouting and she has the most frigid relationship ever like comeone shag him already!
Stop being an ol' Shanice Dando
by mydadisbaldasfock February 5, 2019
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Dirty Dando

The act of hitting any wood left repeatedly over and over again. Loves a scream of fore left. Also he Changes equipment more often than his underwear.
Andy had a dirty Dando on the 3rd hole yesterday”
by Skels78 September 19, 2020
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When your buddy steals your monster from the fridge and you get so mad you block his texts for three days!
I grabbed a blue monster from the fridge and got a DANDO for my efforts!!
by September 15, 2020
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