Upon witnessing a live vaginal birth of your first child and seeing the mangled mess that is the vagina you’re married to your brain triggers a rush of blood to your dick instantly increasing the size and girth up to 200%. In other words, C-sections have been effectively shrinking Dad Dicks since the late 80s early 90s.
Look at that dudes fat hog. He must be a father.

Dad dicks are just bigger. It’s science
by Commander Shiftain August 28, 2019
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A micro sized penis that is the width of a truck
"holy shit he couldn't even fit in past my butt cheecks."
"was it at least thick?"
by okayhey September 2, 2017
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To care so little about someone's opinion that you are willing to expend an extreme amount of effort to show how little their opinion matters to you
"You think I give a shit what he thinks? I'll suck your dad's dick on the Moon!"

"As if it weren't clear enough how little James thought of his critics, he proceeded to suck their dad's dicks on the Moon."
by Big Beefy Supreme February 11, 2021
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