A word that trans people made because they felt hurt that normal made them not normal
Person: Oh hey are you trans? I’m normal btw.
by Gameplayer5137 August 24, 2022
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Not transgender, that is, having a gender identity or gender role that society considers appropriate for the sex one was assigned at birth. The prefix cis- is pronounced like "sis".
John is cisgendered, he just holds to his role as a stereotypical male.
by freeyourmind July 26, 2004
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adj form of cisgender

The opposite of transgendered, someone who is cisgendered has a gender identity that agrees with their societally recognized sex.

Many transgender people prefer "cisgender" to "biological", "genetic", or "real" male or female because of the implications of those words. Using the term "biological female" or "genetic female" to describe cisgendered individuals excludes transgendered men, who also fit that description. To call a cisgendered woman a "real woman" is exclusive of transwomen, who are considered within their communities to be "real" women, also.
Some of my friends are trans, but I'm cisgendered.
by genevieved May 25, 2006
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Transgender does use cisgender as a slur to put down biological women and biological men.

It’s a label imposed by Transgender rather than one adopted from within. Such terms are rarely welcome.

Thus, people who do not subscribe to woke ideology are called 'Transphobic'.
If you disagree, you are cisgender; you are transphobic.
by Princess Elina April 20, 2023
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Also known as “Cis
It’s a scientific term that means you identify as the sex you were given at birth. If you were born a female and you identify as female, then you are cisgender female. Same with male. IT IS NOT A SLUR.
Person 1: "The word cis or cisgender is a scientific term"
Person 2: "No, it is slur!!"
by skullspider June 23, 2023
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A heterophobic term often used by weirdos for a natural male or female.
Did that pedophile just called me cisgender?
by McCodger July 24, 2022
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Not a derogatory term at all as many transgender people use it to describe people they know and sometimes love.
Cisgender is a term for someone who has a gender identity that aligns with what they were assigned at birth. The term was created for referring to "non-transgender" people without alienating transgender people. Basically if you were born a woman and do womanly things and like to be referred to as a woman, then you are a cisgender. Not a bad thing.
I don’t feel my gender in my bones the way some people do—the way my wife, who’s a cisgender lesbian, describes feeling about her femaleness.
by CheshireRaptor April 18, 2016
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