prounouncing "yes" with a very heavy spanish accent
AV: "Are you still meeting me in the finnel rooms at 2?"

AA: "Chezz..."
by UNFORGIVABLE87 June 15, 2010
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Trying to cover your ass when you've been caught doing something "uncivilised"
"I heard Matt got caught masterbating by his mother." "yeh he was totally chezzing"
by Potjunkie5 August 12, 2009
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someone who sucks and is gay
what a chezz, he wears pink socks
by joilder August 22, 2009
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When a older women opens up her pussy that is stuck together and you have to pry it open.
Jermey went down on Robbies old pussy and said damn I love "grilled chezz".
by Uber JoKR December 8, 2016
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what black people eat that isnt chesse whiz
yo dog we all out of chesse, man yo nigga chezze
by speechless1234 May 15, 2009
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A person who tends to make cheesy, lame or "chezzy" comments.
Person 1: I'm so glad we're friends now!

Person 2: You're such a Chezz monkey!
by Supertramp09 April 28, 2009
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The physically impossible act of defecating without being followed or accompanied by urination, also known as the Lumpy Barney. although impossible, this act must be labeled.

DISCLAIMER.....urban dictionary is not responsible for any instantaneous combustion that shall occur during execution of the Chezz Rosterfield.
Penny: What couldn't be done?
Penny: WTF
by Aaron the All Star October 17, 2021
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