stands for cryptobehavior analysis

the abstract art of inferring social cues through otherwise innocuous behavior
- Did you see what that girl did?

-Man, nothing has happened...

- Dude, put your CBA goggles...

by terminal1 October 15, 2017
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The act of not putting any effort into revising for exams (hence the CBA) but still getting and A* or equivalent good grade.
Person 1:'I didn't revise at all for my French exam but I still did really well'
Person 2: 'Looks like you got a CBA*'
by lolcat400 February 11, 2011
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cba is another term for can't be arsed... usually used in IMing...
Izzy: mate, do you want to go into town today?

Emma: cba mate...
by emotionalemma July 14, 2009
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CBA = Can't Be Arsed.

CBA is a severe form of laziness.

Often comparable to a psychological/medical condition. CBA is most common in teenagers around the age of 16-17 years of age.
Person 1: You coming?
Person 2: Nah, I've got a severe case of CBA.

Person 1: What's wrong?
Person 2: I'm suffering from a chronic case of CBA.
by Paul O'R May 12, 2004
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Cost-benefit analysis
These investment alternatives will be compared by using a CBA to determine the optimal investment path.
by 2well October 10, 2013
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a.k.a collective bargaining agreement. it is the biggest piece of bull shit and is the reason for the NFL and NBA lockout
yeah..goddamn owners and players can't agree on a cba
by scalabrienieforprez69 July 1, 2011
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