Another way of saying you are a homosexual
A:I Bro Fisted to my mom
B:how did she take it
by Pinhead larry July 3, 2014
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An act that requires three participants (gender does not matter), and involves one participant either fisting the anus or vagina of the second participant, while a third participant fists the mouth of the second participant. The two (participants 1 and 3) then bump fists inside the organs of the second participant and then pull out allowing the the second participant to then vomit/shit his entrails onto the floor/bed/table/etc..
Anthony was able to convince Shaun and Joey to try bulimic bro fisting, needless to say Anthony didn't come out of that one with a clean carpet.
by Skee Daddy March 30, 2011
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A bro fist that ends with each bro making 3 or more explosions with his or her fist.

Named for Michael Bay, who can't seem to make a movie without putting over 9000 explosions in it.
Bro #1: Hey, bro! Happy 4th of July!
Bro #2: We gotta have a special bro fist for this!
Bro #1: Baysplosion Bro Fist, brah!
-They do the Baysplosion Bro Fist-
Bro #2: Yeah, 'Merica!
by Burn2x December 17, 2014
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The action of a man inserting his fist into another man’s anus.
I bro-fisted Jake last night.
by Johnny Skinny-Penis July 6, 2021
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