The knuckle-dragging, Darwin-defying, "missing link" to homo sapiens whom you would never see without a beer in hand and whose entire contribution to society is that they're sometimes the "life of the party" despite the fact that their speech is neanderthal and their opinions, when vocalized, are barbaric.
Overpopulated within "frat houses", while shunning true fraternity because "it's gay"
"look at that beer monkey drooling all over the couch"
"that f*cking beer monkey just puked on my shoes!"
by EY1392 August 5, 2007
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Technically 3, Clive, Geoff and Steve. After a heavy night on the pop, Clive ransacks your room while hiding your wallet,keys,phone,etc while Geoff punches you in your sleep (subsequent black eyes and headache in morning!) At the same time, Steve shits in your mouth leaving that strange nasty taste in the morning which not even bleach can shift!
Guy1: Went out last night on the piss, fuckin beer monkeys got me again!
Guy2: Bastards, looks like they got you a treat!
by Rich April 18, 2004
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