Punk Rock's most important band. One of a few punk bands to sign to a major label and maintain both credability and integrity. Most known for their biting yet truthful political and social commentary. My favorite band of all time, and definately the best concert I have ever been to.
Go listen to the records.
by Todd Mullen January 11, 2005
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Like just about everyone else has said... the best Punk Band ever. Hell, forget labels. One of the best Bands ever. All those poser bands coming out now-a-days don't even compare and it makes me sick how little recognition Bad Religion gets. Known for their inspirational and political lyrics, Bad Relgion is the r0x0r.
Bad Religion is Punk, not Blink 182... or Greenday, but Bad Religion.
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An old style very political punk rock band. Bad Religion is one of the greatest bands EVER!
Bad Religion songs: "Atomic Garden", "Automatic Man", "Anesthisia", "You Are The Government", "Generator".
by Sabrina Lorentz May 6, 2007
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One of the best punk bands still around today. Definatly 1 of my favourite political punk bands, both musicaly and in terms of lyrical truth and thoughtfulness. Normaly each song has a powerful moral/politcal message.

E.g When all soliders lay their weapons down, or when all kings and all queens relinquish their crowns, or when the only true messiah rescues us from ourselves, then it's easy to imagine there will be sorrow no more.
Songs: Sorrow, 21 Century Digital Boy, I Want to conquer the world
by Nick August 15, 2003
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The best political punk out there. After 25 years, the balding band is still holding their own on the Warped Tour, and Brett Gurewitz is sexier than ever.
Bad Religion is smarter than you.
by Lady Pain March 1, 2005
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a punk band that was started in the early 80's and combined intense rhythms with harmonial voacls and thought provoking songs.
How Could Hell be any worse?, Suffer, No control, against the grain, generator, stranger than fiction, the grey race, no substance, New America, The Process of Belief.
by Do you care? March 28, 2003
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Best fucking band still out there. Second only to the immortal CLASH.
You hate Bad Religion? Chainsaw meets neck
by punkx017 August 9, 2003
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