The cool and loyal kid who is a great scholar and admired by everyone in class. But surrounded by some funky little bitches and life full of depression
by Nosushs November 23, 2021
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A very hot female who chews gum in the street and chases after an ambulance
You chew gum in the street. You run after ambulances. Ashraaaaaf. Ashraf.
by Me.hohooo August 2, 2019
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He is an word play master ,he can also mindfuck people . He gives great advice and he never backstabs his friend mostly honest and trouble maker at times
Man ! this guy is a ashraf!! master of all
by udontknow meah October 25, 2011
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An individual smokes unholy amounts of cigarettes every day.
Yeah, he's an ashraf, look how many cigarettes he has smoked!
by gregory for president January 17, 2023
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Man, my wife is such an Ashraf.

Holy crap, my date last night... an Ashraf most definitely.

I can't believe it! I'm turning into an Ashraf!

Can a neggah get an Ashraf in hurr?
by mongoose mobster May 14, 2007
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The most beautiful girl anyone can ever meet. Their personality is amazing. No other girl could compare to such a nice and caring person.
"Anya Ashraf is so pretty!"
by LAPODUS December 21, 2022
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