A person who smokes smokes "hashish" also known as marijuana
Sometimes also used in a denigrating context
A neologism coined on the east indian subcontinent
See Also: bizzle beezy
He used to be intelligent, but now he's ashish.
by gaudada July 22, 2006
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A short guy with a white skin tone will fall for a girl who name start with "A" & and end up with also "A". He has a soft heart inside and mostly he never pretend his feelings to anybody easily.in short he is very strong
Ashish- soft hearted person from inside and strong from outside
by "Afsha Khan" November 23, 2021
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Ashish means An amazing indian guy who is very sweet and does not show any of the other definitions. he is very sweet and caring.

Aww that's ashish, he's so nice.
A really nice, tall guy who will fall in love with a girl named nikhitha
ashish means blessing
Oh Ashish, marry Nikhitha

mera ashish tumhare saath hai!
(my blessings are with you!)
by nikash November 24, 2021
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to stack, mainly used hardcore stacks that end in decapitation or permanent disfigurement of the human face
"billy ashished so hard they're still looking for his lower lip, he just recently woke up from his coma, he woke up screaming ASHISH! sadly it sounded like "ranjeet" due to the whole missing lip thing"
by awwwwwshieeeeeeettttt November 7, 2011
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A orignal indian name meaning blessings. Also a person who is offcially married to Shitgar, another original name meaning brown and smelly sugar, the woman of Ashish's dreams.
My name is Ashish and i am married to Shitgar
by Hrishi June 4, 2007
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A man who works at wireless and more in the mall whom looks like a mexican and has short blonde died hair.most of the time the ashish is looking up porn while at work.
yesterday while i was working someone asked me why that guy was looking up porn at work and all i had to say was he is an ashish..
by Mkv Rabbit July 11, 2008
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