A atheist extremist that hates all things religious.
Anti-theism is to atheism as the Christian Identity is to Christianity
by Da Mad Gamer September 22, 2003
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USUALLY a huge fag who thinks he is super hxc because he hates religion.
More than likely, all his friends, if he has any that is, thinks he is an idiot
or some kind of retard.

Some qualities an anti theist PROBABLY has:
1. An anarchist
2. Bases his beliefs off of George Carlin's comedy act without realizing that
there is a reason it is called a COMEDY act
3. Has never had a girlfriend
4. Thinks other people don't like him because they are "bl1nd3d bby teH g0dzz
anDD arnt sm4rt enuff 2 c passt 1t. lulz, d1d u no tha '1t' rhyme5 wit 'tit'.
megalulz, ima masturbate now."
5. Listens to music he heard off of Guitar Hero, because none of his friends want to share their musical taste with him. If he knew some of the bands from Guitar Hero believed in God, he would immediately piss himself and go fap his anger off.
6. Will be living with his parents for a loooong time.

Anti-theists should not be confused with an atheist. An atheist is someone who
simply doesn't believe in a God while an anti-theist is retarded and has no
Regular person: I'm going to church on Sunday, want to come?

Atheist: No thanks, I'm not really into that sort of thing.

Regular Person: Oh, that's cool. I'll see you at work tomorrow.

Anti-theist who overheard their conversation: Faggot, you are blinded by your God and you will suffer from a lack of your false promises! I will enjoy seeing you depressed from having no result in following your false faith!

Regular person: Ahh, fuck, he's not coming into work tomorrow, is he?

Atheist: No, he doesn't have a job. But hey, what more can you expect from an
anti theist?

(The 2 friends walk away, laughing at the anti-theist and his retardedness. The
anti-theist begins to jack off.)
by fgsfdsMASTER February 24, 2009
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One who belives God exists but hates him/her.
God sucks a fat one, I'm an Anti-theist.
by SweetBrainJuice June 13, 2003
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Any person who sees some harm caused on some level that stems from religion. Not a meaner atheist or an in-the-closet Christian, just somebody who opposes some aspect of religion.
Anti theist: I consider myself an anti theist.

Christian Fundamentalist: you are one of those mean atheist. You are a satanist!

Anti Theist: I’m actually agnostic. I just hate all of that anti gay shit and I think that we shouldn’t be teaching our kids to be scared shitless of hell.
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People who don't realize they turned atheism into a religion. Mock Christians for.not questioning what they are told. Yet get mad when one questions them. Usually attack a Christian Twitter account. Don't realize that most early scientists where religious. They think they are superior. Yet don't realize that they follow men, take their word for it. They try to convert everyone to atheism. And try to convert atheists who don't give a crap about religion, to join them.
That anti theists said I was shoving my stupid silly beliefs down their throat. Yet all I said was bless you when they sneezed. Then the hypocritical atheists tried to deconvert me. By shoving their beliefs down my throat
by sillbilly98 November 25, 2014
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A silly person who thinks that it's stupid to believe in an "invisible sky man" but at the same time gripes about how he or she has a problem with sky daddy's character. Like cmon, if you really dont believe in god, stop worrying about him.
Mrs smith: *rants about how god is evil*

Bella: I thought mrs smith was an atheist?

Darren: Nah, she's more than that. She's a silly anti-theist who makes God out to be her personal boogeyman, despite the fact that she herself said that he's not real.
by LegendaryPhoenix January 26, 2023
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When anti theists say they hate religion it’s really just Christianity and Islam
Person 1: I’m an Anti Theist
Person 2: Thoughts on Judaism
Person 1: Juda-who
by bud Luca July 9, 2023
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