When one person shakes their sexual partner repeatedly until their partner reaches an orgasm
Person 1: Yo, i heard Andrew hooked up with a girl last night.

Person 2: Yeah, he told me that he gave her an Angry Bird and she loved it
by Black Magic38 December 7, 2010
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A phrase used to describe all the pissed off girlfriends who have boyfriends that are addicted to the Angry Birds game.
If these men don't get the hell off their phones, they are gonna have alot of angry birds to deal with.
by CollegeGirl0o0 July 25, 2011
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An underated slingshot game
Angry birds used to be popular than roblox it died because roblox runied minecraft
by PvEnjoyerture December 1, 2021
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When you and having sex and are about to cum you pull out and hold your dick straight out. Then you bend it back toward your stomach while still holding the base to create tension. When you start to cum you release you dick and fling your jizz. If done correctly and you hit the right spot you will knock her down.
I gave her the Angry Bird last night and knocked her off the bed. Got he high score!!
by FenixFyr August 17, 2018
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A jealous, hateful, crazy psychotic bitch. That has nothing better to do with their time but sit around and plot revenege on the people they imagine have done them wrong.
She just an Angry Bird, she got a problem with everybody including herself.
by kiki1977 March 27, 2013
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Hanging from the ceiling fan and taking a dump on your girl from above like an angry bird
Got a little too drunk and gave the old lady an angry bird
by mrpalermo March 6, 2018
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the act of forming ur hand in the shape of a birds beak, and then jabbing someone with said hand, mimicking the action of a bird pecking u and when contact is made u yell out ANGRY BIRD! The only time u can pull this off is when u r trying to converse with a friend but their attention is on their stupid game of angry birds on their stupid iphone. Similar to a "fulmer poke"
I was telling jimmy about my weekend, but all he wanted to do was play angry birds on his iphone. so i angry birded him right in the neck and as he was gasping for air on the floor, not playing his game, i was able to finish telling him about my weekend
by pyro1507 April 1, 2011
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