As the waifu of many, she has black, lushious, hair. She is the bassist of Ho-Kago Tea-Time, the band in the anime series, K-ON!
Mio Akiyama is so sweet!
by Kiwi - The Superior Species August 8, 2020
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Mizuki Akiyama is like the best character on project sekai. they are in the group "Nightcord at 25:00" and they are a canon non binary AND THEY FUCKING SLAY
"I don't like Mizuki Akiyama ."
"kys- they are the best character😡"
by r4nd0m..s1mp December 8, 2022
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A Girl from the Anime series Girls und Panzer in which she is: Member of the Anglerfish team, Loader of for the Panzer IV, Infiltrator, Knows a lot about Tanks, Possibly in the spectrum, and the best girl in the entire Girls und Panzer series
Person: Yukari Akiyama is my favorite character from the show!
by Panzer Dancer May 2, 2022
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It is when you attempt to change your ways, but inside, you know you a hoe
Look at that jerk. We all know he's just Doing an Akiyama
by TheOneTrueAlbatross December 20, 2017
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The sexiest K-ON girl. Like dude, just LOOK at her!
Me:"Yo, you wanna know my favorite K-ON character?"
Friend: "Yo, who?"
Me:"Mio Akiyama!"
Friend:"Damn straight, fam!"
by HedgehogBoi October 2, 2020
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The beautiful, dazzling queen. The representative of all transfems. Her voice is beautiful, her hair is perfect, she is perfect.
Mizuki Akiyama is the best character of all time.
by Pp sizzler October 23, 2023
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