Maisie is normally a kind girl who loves to know that everyone is okay.She desires her parents and doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her😘.She normally has loads of boys around her but nothing more than friends.She is a very loyal best friend and girlfriend.
She normally gets everything she wants because she’s a goody two shoes most of the time but if you get her really angry then she’ll rip yah head off.
Joe:Whose that over there she’s gorgeous??
Paul:It’s Maisie isn’t she lush x💓
by CookieDough234 April 13, 2019
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One of the funniest, loveliest and most unique people you know. Someone with an incredible sense of humor and knows how to make you smile. Someone you can always rely on. Beautiful inside and out.
*Everyone laughs*
Person A: Who told that joke?
Person B: Got to have been Maisie
Person A: Of course!
by Laurenosaurus November 1, 2011
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Although sometimes unpredictable maisie is the most trustworthy friend you could ever have. You could go to her with any secret and tell her ANYTHING without fear of any judgement. Maisie is such a beautiful woman but doesn't know it, she acts confident and outgoing but really she doubts herself more than you could know BUT she doubts with no reason, she is the strongest person you will ever have the pleasure to meet and will be without a doubt the funniest person in you life. She carries such a presence that the room lights up when she walks in and the world seems so much brighter when she blesses us with a smile. She deserves more than anything to be happy and it is your duty as her friend to make sure that such a precious person gets the joy she deserves. She has no idea how valuable she is so you need to remind her every second of everyday. Her eyes are are a gorgeous emerald green that will brighten up your life when they sparkle. Treasure the maisies in your life because they are rare and only come around once in a lifetime
emily: mai are you alright
maisie: yeah I'm okay
harramal: you sure maudlyn
maisie: yeah rummal I'm okay, how about you Darlene??
by bigxunit November 26, 2018
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- She is an amazing girl who can be found perfect in every single way.

- She is completely flawless.

- She is very beautiful, she always looks amazing, even at the worst of times.

- She has an amazing personality and has a figure to die for, basically sex on legs.

- Not a single moment with her is regretted.

- Sexy dancer.

- Always keen to please and amazing in bed
Wow that girl looks perfect! She must be a Maisy.

I am soo lucky to know a Maisy
by fuckinwilddd! February 5, 2012
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Maisie's are funny,awesome and loving people! Everyone needs to be like Maisie!
Hey Maisie!
What is 3X3?
by Coolcal14 March 14, 2017
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maisy is a person that you have to do her work, and she is sooo pretty. heaps of friends. easy to make laugh. eats your lunch. has a couple of close friends then heaps of other friends. she will all ways use your lipbalm
boy 1: dammm look how pretty that girl is

person 2:that's maisy beware she might eat your food
boy 1: it would be worth it.
by thefunnyiestpersonever May 8, 2020
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Maisy is an amazing friend. She's very outspoken and talkative. She gets along great with anybody who cares to get to know her. She loves makeup and has been good at it since she came out of the womb. She complains a lot and rambles about her problems to anyone who will listen. She has an amazing voice and will start singing out of nowhere at the most random times. She doesn't care what people think of her but does at the same time. Maisy is gorgeous but is still insecure about her body for no reason. She's loyal and sweet and just a LITTLE BIT dramatic.
Person 1: "where's Maisy?"
Person 2: "she's probably in the bathroom."
by hotpeeper October 27, 2019
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