i.e.when you let someone pass in front of your car and they fake a jog .I know your lazy ass is going slow , dont pretend you are a fogger
by dwus September 17, 2005
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To obscure the truth, or convolute an issue to the degree that the foggee forgets what the point is/was, or is misdirected to another less personally volatile or important point.

Politicians, hustlers, and used car salespeople are master foggers.
Johnson, did you sleep with my girlfriend?!?!

Come on dog, when from what I heard Heppler has been hittin that, like his name was Jackie Chan. Heppler told a few people that she brays like that Eddie Murphy character "Donkey" when she is having sex bro. In fact I told Heppler what he was doing is/was wrong, and even wondered what got into him to do such a thing, especially considering that rumor that he has the herpes.

I hope you wear a jimmy dog; for your sake. I'm just saying bro.
by My Big Toe is Hairy January 10, 2006
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A love made with such intensity and energy (usually in a car) that all the windows around get fogged up and everyone can see that some hardcore lovemaking must be going down.
I'll never make a window fogger with my girl if I can only last a few seconds in sex.
by For Shizil My Nizil December 22, 2006
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An event that causes overwhelming sensations, resulting in a hazy recollection of any actual details.
I don't even remember leaving Andy's Hallowe'en party. Talk about a real Skull Fogger.
by Zombi3 November 2, 2007
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When you wait for your significant other to get in the shower and soap up. This works best if you wait until the room is hot enough to mirror fog up. Run in, fart in the bathroom and hold the door shut from the outside.
I made my boyfriend sleep on the couch because he gave me a London Fogger before bed.
by Jack the Fogger May 13, 2009
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adjective: a window fogger is a term used in describing a song meant for making love to in a parked car, hence the name a window fogger from the condesation that accmuilates from the action its self.
Sweet Child of Mine by Gun N Roses sure is a "window fogger"
by Jose Mercado December 20, 2006
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