3 definitions by For Shizil My Nizil

1. Someone who has has shit in their head instead of a brain like regular people.

2. Also someone with a considerably shitty personality.

That dude is such a shithead! He just pissed in the coffee machine in the break room!
by For Shizil My Nizil December 22, 2006
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A love made with such intensity and energy (usually in a car) that all the windows around get fogged up and everyone can see that some hardcore lovemaking must be going down.
I'll never make a window fogger with my girl if I can only last a few seconds in sex.
by For Shizil My Nizil December 22, 2006
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Ebonic used to describe a sexual position.

Ebonic meaning sex
Guy 1 : How did u get her to give you that sweet fucknizzle so easy...
Guy 2 : Simple, Got her drunk
by For Shizil My Nizil December 22, 2006
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