(n) 1. A baby penguin.
The zoo was over populated by crosby's.
by graydattle April 22, 2012
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1)As in Sidney Crosby, 2)a move in hockey where the puck is brought back with the heel of the stick and fliped on to the top of the blade

although Crosby is not the inventor of this move he did make it famous
"He Pulled a Crosby"
by random jordan June 26, 2006
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1.A very degrading term that basically means you a whiny little bitch.

2.Cry baby

3. Suck at life
John: Hey did you see that kid cry because i got away with a slash

Alex: ya hes such a crosby
by imfuckingovechkin October 14, 2011
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a person who is known to slap people for saying obnoxious crap. "Crosby"s are loving and caring individuals who aren't afraid to put you in your place. They also enjoy pistachio nuts.
Don't act ridiculous! That's a crosby right there.
by anto1511 March 23, 2010
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Nasty, not attractive. Maybe needs a deep cleaning shower.
That chick is hella crosby, no way i would get at her.
by lovelynative March 25, 2011
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King amongst men, sex God and all around perfect man. Sid the kid has grown up!
Oh who is that guy who got Canada gold? No big deal, just Crosby!

That guy can get any girl he wants, he is such a Crosby!
by Best among Best March 1, 2010
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An inexplicably beautiful girl with a smile that makes you go weak in the knees and a laugh that warms your heart.
A Crosby kinda girl...the kind you see in pictures.
by pr0nfish April 21, 2008
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