v.Clostered-to have a party that gets busted by the Fuzz
Dude, your party got clostered.
by Don Juan April 11, 2005
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a town full of people who hang out behind the burger king and smoke the weed typically rich kids who are all emo and slit there wrist and cry about nothing and have a myspace
that kid is drinking cheap ass beer he's so not closter
by rachel April 8, 2005
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a boring town located in bergen county, nj. there is literally nothing to do for fun except go to a restaurant, get your nails done, or play basketball at memorial field. the schools are good and we do not have our own high school, we go to northern valley regional hs demarest (nvd) in demarest, nj. it's a safe and affluent neighborhood which is why parents raise their children here, but everyone stays to themselves so don't expect to make friends if you're not super pretty or rich.
I was raised in closter.
by Suburbs_Savage December 31, 2020
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A harrible town where everybody drinks and smokes excessivly.
by Don Juan April 5, 2005
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A sweet fuckin town!!!!!! here you can get almost anything if you know the right ppl. basically a town filled with rich kids
who have nuthin better to do then party nd smoke up nd get fucked up. its the place to go when you wanna chill and meet ppl nd do almost anything. its the place to go when you live nearby cuz you'll have the time of your life!!!! by far one of the greatest towns ever. we got hott gurls, rich kids, big houses, and the best parties.
closter is the best fuckin town ever pplz
by camelz July 18, 2006
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1)To be John Joi and have nothing better to do but critsize people in the town of closter.
Oh my god, your and idiot
by Anonymously March 5, 2005
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(adj)To be a James Baek who spends time to write stuff like this.
Oh my god, why do you write in this like a Closter!
by John Choi March 2, 2005
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