"Hey, why are you so late?"
"Dude, my keys were totally Flight 370. Couldn't find them anywhere."
by J R Paulson March 15, 2014
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A sex move that consists of sneaking out of the bedroom during sex and ceasing contact indefinitely.
Molly: 'Melissa, why are you crying?'
Melissa: 'I was having sex with Brendan, and he stopped, so I turned around to ask him why, but he wasn't there anymore. He hasn't responded to my texts or calls, and no one has heard from him in a week!'
Molly: 'Sounds like he gave you the Malaysia Flight 370!'
by Big Gay Mike December 2, 2014
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Homie 1: yo dawg my dad ran away when I was all baby uno
Homie 2: so was he blick or was it a Malaysia flight 370 ting??
by Fancy shmancy sauce machinery February 19, 2018
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To get or be, lost. As opposed to a complete 360 which means, going in circles
Dude, I Had no idea where I was, I did a complete 370.
by VagueSounds March 24, 2014
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