1. The sound cars make as their driver repeatedly stimulates their horn, bringing the far end of the hand down in a cupped shape. The mere sound of this stimulation causes nearby drivers to stimulate their own car's pleasure center, and soon all through the air is heard moaning sounds of joy from vehicles. Sometimes this induces severe road rage, which brings about the mounting of one car onto another in doggy style position. Unfortunately, sometimes the mounting proves too rough, and the car at the receiving end may be reduced to scrap metal.
2. A sound to bellow when planting a hot carl on a sleeping victim.
1. Car 1: "Beep Beep!"
Car 2: "Beep Beep Beep!!"
Cars 3, 4, 5, 473: "BEEP BEEP BEEP etc.!!!!"
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A statement used to let someone know that they've said something that is undesirable to your hearing.

"Beep beep beep" is the sound that a cell phone makes when someone hangs up on you.
Steve: I like to walk around the house naked all the time.

Me: Beep beep beep.
by Steve Vanlindsdale June 18, 2009
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A saying made as an alarm to indicate someone is in need of a hug.
Person1: I need a beep beep!
Person2: What’s a beep beep?
Person1: It’s my hug detector, I need a hug!
Person2: *Hugs person1*
by MiniMadi23 August 2, 2018
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Beep Beep is an interjection that can be used in any way, usually in agreement to something another says or to show solidarity.
Coined by power couple Heather Newton (previously worked at Arby's) and Tuggie Muffkins (bus driver - what started the beep beep craze)
A: hapy muffukin tueaday muffukas jus git proved fo underployment cheks n govement sistance n now ima dooble dis shit downs at da casino wit Tuggie Muffkins

B: Beep Beep
by dankswank December 25, 2013
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1.Lots and lots of curse and bad words
2.On t.v. shows when they say a curse or bad word it has a beep sound and when he/she say it 3 times in a row that's beep beep beep
by Big freak michael March 10, 2007
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