America knows that.
Chuck don't pay for strange.
by Goatmangold September 2, 2022
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The act of slapping an inferior being with a low-top Chuck Taylor shoe, most commonly in the face, usually in the form of a sneak attack from behind.

Also known as: Peasant splat (A more extreme form)
After the peasant's unsanctioned disrespect, it was essential that he received a swift chuck slap. He was lucky I didn't peasant splat his ass.
by Mershon Jr. December 7, 2011
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Hilarious intoxicated manchild who loves party time. Sometimes lives under bridges and plays with pigeons
The party was so chuck dank
Mommy look at man with all the pigeons. Yes that's chuck dank
by Sofakingcool420 December 28, 2022
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When one does a large shot of methampehatimes and kills a large number of brain cells … therefore being stuck on a pointless task
Fuck a duck im stuck like chuck after that butthole warming blast!!!
by Camero December 9, 2022
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When you travel to the Far East and a Tibetan hooker vomits on your dick, then proceeds to slurp it back up and keep sucking. *Not to be confused with the Indonesian chuck and suck*
She ate too much pad Thai before sucking my dick…she ended up doing the Tibetan chuck and suck.
by cumgutter September 1, 2022
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Asking someone usually a friend for a Puff of a joint/ciggarete.
by Seigyozamandan February 22, 2018
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When you come 'up' too fast from doing too much of a drug at once and the adrenaline causes you to vomit.
I chuck rushed so hard on NYE.
by dogs are rad December 22, 2016
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