Old terrorist organization, currently ruled by Kanye West
I'm Adolf Hitler
Commander of the Third Reich
Also a NAZI party leader
by Edolf Hitler, the commander January 22, 2023
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Short for Ashekenazi, since the 12th century the shortened term "Nazi" was used to describe Ashekenazi Jews with the connotation that they were a superior race. Later adopted by the Germans that viewed themselsves as superior and a play on words that also had a double meaning for the National Socialist party.
Dude... that guy thinks he's something else huh? ah, yeah he's a total Nazi.
by masterplanner February 3, 2022
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1. Short for National Socialist German Workers Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
2. A far-right political party in the Weimar Republic

Also this is not the ideology but the party
The nazis committed horrible things to millions of people.
by NectaredBee May 14, 2022
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Aidan, Brice, Mason, Zac and nico are all "Nazis"
by NutterNigga85 November 3, 2023
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some who is strict about work hours. Always taking hours from hard working people and giving it to the ones that dont do a thing...aka jim-balls
accually prenounced " Neo Hourly Nazi" but you dont say Hourly

She is a Neo Oui Nazi

by co-operations manager January 27, 2009
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A weird and dark way to say you want to kill yourself. References the fact that Nazis wanted to kill Jews, so a Jewish Nazi would want to kill himself.
Person 1: How are you feeling today?
Person 2: Like a Jewish Nazi.
by BlackMesaLabs0 December 7, 2016
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The nazi guy in your neighborhood he usually is across from your neghiborhood klans men
O look there's Frank the neighborhood nazi
he comes to your door and says papers please and you hand them over then you see him the local klansman Jim waves at you and you have back and say jim.
by Modere August 8, 2017
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