A hard working boi who loves babylonjs and pizza. He is shy at first but once you get to know him he is very friendly. He can be a bit annoying at times but he means well. You can never have enough of chuck ;)
Man, Chuck is flaking tonight
by DonkeykongBrownie420 September 3, 2021
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A person who listens to, views, or reads liberal content and deems it to be religion regardless of FACTUAL evidence. A person who doesn’t think for themselves. A person who blindly follows the blind because of their race, gender, or religion. A person who has an uneducated opinion. A person when asked for proof of their claims rebuts with insults or accusations of racism or ignorance. A person who doesn’t truly know or understand history let alone politics
Bernice: The President is a racist POS.
Chad: Based on what proof?
Bernice: Well, on CNN they talked about him being a...
Karen: CNN?

Bernice: I seen it on MSNBC too!
Chad: Oh, I get it! You’re one of those CHUCKS who believe everything you see and hear from Liberal News.

Bernice: You’re being ignorant. If you don’t believe me... GOOGLE it!


Chad: Liberal platform Bernice.
by RHSWKAG August 10, 2020
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Chuck replaces the F-word as a more kid friendly word. You use it exactly like the f-word.
by Jacky1235 August 11, 2023
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An amazingly awesome man that's big strong and regardless of anything pure! Never unloyal and truly magnificent for an average Joe kinda guy! But honestly stands out from everyone for his exceptional wisdom and pure heart of gold! But don't take kindness for weakness, because his son's will not let you go far! And his bold beautiful tender heart will love you forever unless you hurt his feelings then he will go cry in the corner.
by Dixie Dreamer July 19, 2021
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If someone is Chuck, it means they have a confident and capable air about them
I don't actually know if that guy even works on our floor, but he's so Chuck I think he gets away with it
by Macsyourguy May 8, 2019
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Chuck's guy that has 2 things on his mind, when's payday and the next lay. They don't catch feelings and don't do relationships. He's hilarious, sexy, intelligent, and engages in the most interesting conversations. He has the best stories & his charm and quick wit will entrance you immediately. No use trying to fight it ... you WILL fall deeply in love with him, and if the stars are alligned just right and you're the luckiest woman ever he'll fall equally in love with you. You'll be amazed by the synchronicities that occur almost daily, reading each others minds with ease. The universe itself is screaming you're soulmates, & when you accept this your life, love, and happiness will be changed forever. I found my Chuck and he found me. He's my person, for life, and what a wonderful life we have to look forward to.
If you're ever lucky enough to meet a Chuck don't ever let him go. He'll blow you mind in bed, change the game completely. He'll touch your soul, forever changing it. Chucks are real men. They're excellent providers, and they're refreshingly honest. Chucks communicate so well and will be your very best friend. Chuck will make you feel like a princess, showering you with genuine, pure, palpable love and affection. If you're the right Anna and he's the right Chuck, you'll live happily ever after and you won't even wake up at the end to find it was all just a dream. I hope everyone finds their Chuck.
by Itsjustannalol March 10, 2021
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Cree slang also short for chucksees.

Another word for penis.
Quit tugging on your chucks it will grow on it's own.
by Sackbear April 18, 2020
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