Someone who hears you but isn’t actually listening or gives a shit. They will nod and act like they care but have hardly a clue of what you said. People who “listen” to you talk but just so they can respond and they like to hear themselves talk. Similar to lip service but with your ears. Pretending to listen.
“Hey did your girlfriend tell you about her doctors visit?”

“Yeah but I had to give her ear service cause she wouldn’t shut up after 15 minutes.”
by Pink panther 89 April 16, 2019
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The elongated stretched out skin of a person who has gaged their ears past repair. Long rope like skin hanging in a loop or 2 ropes below the ear.
Whoa did you see that guy's ear ropes?
by BClever November 4, 2014
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Someone who's ears have been pulled to the extent of them being saggy, some people have a kink for it.
Lewis: Cooorrhh you seen those ears on that girl Nicole

Joe: The saggy ears?

Lewis: yes mate, they're so hot
by Toucha My Spaghett March 10, 2018
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an act of intercourse where the male flips the female on her side and proceeds to stick his penis inside her ear
officer I told him plz stop and no I don't want it but he ignored me and preceded to ear bang me
by Seans friend from school April 13, 2021
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To slap someone on the ear or side of head to hard the eardrum burst or pops. E.g. " He ear banged the shit out of paul"

" Pay my money today or get ear bang".
by Van wick July 31, 2023
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When the female in a relationship can't seem to process words coming from the man, especially as it relates to helping with small problems, easy obstacles, or ridiculously obvious.
Man 1: I suggested it would be easier to spend two minutes and drop it off at her friends place than wait for someone who's always late.
Man 2: And?
Man 1: We're still waiting here for her friend to show up and both of us are starving.
Man 2: Dude, I think your girlfriend is getting WIFE EARS......
by Mr B 61 December 3, 2015
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The most painful outside ear infection that makes your jaw hurt and put drops in your ear
Swimmer: I got Swimmer’s Ear
Friend: is that good?

Swimmer: No it hurts WAY too bad!
by -The Girls September 27, 2021
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