The effect caused by We Sheebons, where when told to kill yourself you laugh as a joke
K1ll yourself, said Phoenix. Everyone laughed because of the we sheebons effect
by milfhunterrrrrr February 15, 2021
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Something that 12 year old Fortnite players say when jumping out the bus. It is also said by Charles Calvin in Completing the Mission.
"Where we droppin bois?"

by BlueEngland September 19, 2020
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Somebody is letting it be known that we cool but we not that cool.
Question: When you going let me come over?

Answer: We ain’t there!
by Queenbougiee January 31, 2019
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a) the most pragmatic, rational response to the rhetorical questions "why do old habits die hard" and "why people resist change"

b) a nicer way of telling someone "no matter how hard you try to change someone, they will always retain part of their individuality."
a teenage boy comes crying to his father : " why won't my girlfriend Meedith follow me to Mechanical Engineering; all she wants to do is go study Psychology. Is there anything I can do?

father: no. the cherry-phrase we, humans, are creatures of habit applies to her too. not matter how much you have in common, she is still her own individual person. The only thing you can do, is not commit a St Valentines Day Massacre on her, that's about all i can tell you.
by Sexydimma December 17, 2014
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a) the most pragmatic, rational response to the philosophical questions of "why do old habits die hard" and "why people resist change"

b) a nicer way of explaining to someone that no matter how hard they try to change their significant other, the latter will always retain part of their individuality.
a teenage boy comes crying to his father : " why won't my girlfriend Meredith follow me to Mechanical Engineering; all she wants to do is go study Psychology. Is there anything I can do?

father: no. the cherry-phrase we, humans, are creatures of habit applies to her too. No matter how much you have in common, she is still her own individual person.
by Sexydimma March 29, 2021
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a) the rhetorical, (lol), response to the oxymoronic rhetorical questions "why do old habits die hard/ people resist change"?

b) a nicer way of telling someone "no matter how hard you try to change someone's 'undesirable' (at least according to you) characteristics, they will always retain part of their individuality."
a teenage boy comes crying to his father : " why won't my girlfriend Meedith follow me to Concordia University in Mechanical Engineering; all she wants to do is go to Mcgill University and do Psychology. Is there anything I can do?

father: yes and no. yes, you can be understanding of her, and not commit a St Valentines Day Massacre on her, and no, you can't do a rat's ass about it, simply because your sigother Meredith is part of the human race, and therefore the cherry-phrase we, humans, are creatures of habit applies to her as well.
by Sexydimma November 14, 2012
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