A group of close friends that you drink Kool-Aid with. Also, a song by the popular hip-hop group, "The Children of the Street."
John: I just made a pitcher of Cherry Kool-Aid. Do you want to come over and drink it with me?
Fred: Yes, I'll join your Kool-Aid Krew for the evening.
by Donny Mattingly April 11, 2011
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Origin: Lutheran

CHERRY (and only cherry) Kool-aid mix WITH the sugar AND 1-1.5 more cups of sugar added. Often paired with Oreos.... and then Dodgeball. #PraiseJesus
You don't need alcohol or drugs, you will be flying high enough on church lady kool-aid.
by kisserT September 4, 2022
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When you power wash 100,000 lemons you end up with lemon aid, but beware it’s $145 per hour so I hope you have DEEP Pockets.
Chihuahua made some lemon aid by demolishing lemons with his power washer.
by Deepration July 27, 2021
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A synonym of Coronavirus, Rona, and COVID-19.
Did you here Tom tested positive for Nasal Aids?
by Maxypad February 13, 2021
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1. A really inappropriate and funny way to inform someone that they tested HIV positive.

2. Can also be used to identify known carriers.
1. Well Jeff, I'm sorry, but you've got the AIDS virus.

2. You better wash that spoon, Gina has the AIDS virus.
by J.R. Jones February 12, 2008
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1.AIDS burger (noun) a song made by Jimmy buffet

2 AIDS burger (noun) an ancient ritual where a McDonald’s employee seasons a burger with and especially flavorful sauce.
1 at his concert he sang aids bruger and the people (not fans but people who fell in to a trap)booed him off stage.

2 The chef at the fine establishment known McDonald’s did a special aids burger Ritual just for me.
by Pepsi frog March 30, 2019
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