The royal family adopted "Happy Christmas" as their preferred greeting, and others took note (in fact, each year, Queen Elizabeth continued to wish her citizens a "Happy Christmas," rather than a merry one). But "Merry Christmas" has been used since at least 1534.
- Happy Christmas! - Queen Elizabeth (R.I.P.)
by frittatita December 25, 2022
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Because "No-Nut November" is a thing, I made my own holiday to counter-act this, as a middle finger to men :)
You aren't allowed to ejaculate at all this month because you did No-Nut November.... it's No Cum-Christmas
by Rayygunn November 2, 2019
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Happening just one day a year, normally between the hours of 6 a.m. to 12 p.m., when your wife/girlfriend/roomate buys you the wrong sized:

Normally followed by a Christmas Kick
(Grandpa): What's your problem Robert?
(Robert): Shut up old man, your precious Grand Daughter bought me a size 38, im a 36!
(Grandpa): That's just wrong!?
(Robert): What?! You want a Christmas Punch too!
by elementcubed November 18, 2010
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Going to the mall and dipping your ass in black paint and proceeding to grind on the mall Santa
by Hasaf December 3, 2019
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Getting a bar of soap for Christmas indicates that you should wash up.
“Why’d I get soap for Christmas??”

“Because you shall have a wash.”
by raunchyraul December 28, 2022
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