Someone who can dish it out but can't accept it back
You want to clown around then act like a teech bitch
by SouthLA September 8, 2017
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When you purchase peach rings at a local gas station and come to find out that there is actually no peach flavoring in any of the ingredients.
Haley: *checks peach ring ingredients "what the hell, there's not even peach flavoring anywhere in these!"
Hannah: "Daaaamn you've been peach bitched!"
by Areyoushittingme?? February 3, 2016
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Scared of peoples judgement and ends up creating an herpes eyesore
by Scowl September 27, 2018
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The kind of hole a bitch would dig
Mark: (digging hole)
John: yo mark, that's a bitch hole you fat fucker!
Mark: I hate you John and I fucked you wife!
by notdominic May 16, 2021
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