They're basically Dad Jokes but WAYYYYY darker, and funnier (depends on your humor).
Father: "Man, I need to trim my hair. I look like a fat 14 year old edgelord."
Child:"Heheh- man, I love your Father Jokes, Father."
by The Partygoers! May 20, 2022
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Dad Joke to offensive to tell your own children, but if it’s someone else’s you don’t care.
I probably shouldn’t tell you that joke. It’s more of a step dad joke.
by John Bob Poff July 19, 2023
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A verse of poetry that pokes fun a someone or something.
The emcee recited a joke-a-verse at the dinner that roasted the comic celebrity.
by Circus Room March 3, 2012
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Kim Jokes is a type of jokes.We call 'Kim Jokes' the jokes that are about a person's bad actions,mostly lying and about fake persons
Drake lied about his age.Lets make Kim Jokes about this.
by Jackson JJ November 11, 2018
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A pun with a long pretense and many unnecessary details ultimately leading to a disappointing
Nick Joke:
A man was walking home alone one night when he heard a "BUMP....BUMP....BUMP..." behind him. Walking faster, he looked back, making out an image of an upright coffin banging its way down the middle of the street towards him.

The man began to run toward his home, and the coffin bounced after him faster....faster...

He ran up to his door, fumbled with his keys, opened the door, rushed in, and locked it behind him. The coffin crashed through his door, with the lid of the coffin clapping on the heals of the terrified man. The man rushed upstairs to the bathroom and locked himself in, heart pounding.

With a CRASH, the coffin broke down the door, coming slowly toward him. The man while screaming, reached for something, anything....all he can find was a box of cough drops which he hurled at the coffin...and suddenly the coffin stops.
by Johnnieha November 19, 2019
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Jokes about a strange stereotype that started....when?
Jokes about blonde women being absolute retards are called blonde jokes.
by Someone who kinda exists July 19, 2020
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