A person that strokes their own ego constantly by trying to build themselves up to others buy bragging about what they have and how great they are at everything.
That dude is a straight up self-fluffer that never stops bragging about how he is the big baller that has had ever woman in this town.
by ODGumby23 February 11, 2021
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"Wow. When I watched that video of the dance I realized I was totally self vandalizing myself.
by licheenut278 September 24, 2011
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Unknowingly or unconsciously making an action harder for one to perform.
Charlie noticed that without realizing they are doing it, people sometimes make things harder for themselves, and/or occasionally for others to do. He named that action a "self-created difficulty."
by but for February 17, 2021
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something to say to you lads
go and get a mc kill your self
by riccarroll October 22, 2017
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When you offer your girlfriend a back rub that quickly becomes sexual resulting in you spilling your manhood flavored Neutrogena lotion all over your significant others back.
Boyfriend Hey baby you want a back rub?
Girlfriend Please baby I’ts been a long day.
Boyfriend Okay get on your stomach.
Girlfriend .....
Boyfriend Get ready I’m about to give you some self produced back lotion.
Girlfriend What
Boyfriend *Skeets his Neutrogena all over his girlfriends bacne*
Girlfriend Why is it warm
Boyfriend Sorry... I’ll go get the rag.
by GyratingMeatStick March 11, 2018
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What females who claim to be female's liberators often are.
Aileen Cust was everything the female's liberator wanted to be, but wasn't. There was too much suspicion about the females liberator's life to be ignored, and really she was the self-liberating, self-serving kind of person.
by Solid Mantis September 20, 2019
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