most people is to protect yourself but some is to do it with someone at karate
“he strangled me so i laughed uwu” that is self defense right there
by defnotsomeonewhoknowslayla August 10, 2022
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Self-enucleation Is When one mentally ill person wants to take out there eyes it’s a form of self mutation
My friend wants to gouge there eyes out
They must have’ Self-enucleation
by ScrewballChan March 12, 2021
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A self video of oneself
Holding her cell phone as a video camera, she made a self-vidie of herself bicycling.
He liked to see himself talk, so he made a self-vid of his talking into his cell phone's video camera.
He was self-viding himself with his video camera, while he sang his favorite song.
by T.V. John November 14, 2013
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A girl dressed and groomed at her 100% best possible outcome going to a fancy party.
She was totally high on self esteem no way i was going to convince her for a quick BJ.
No-one has ever got a alley quickie with a girl high on self esteem.
by estonico January 6, 2016
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If you read this ya you need to chill the fuck out and don't give a shitee.If you do care just don't save yourself the trouble of intensifying screaming like a little bitch you fk Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet.remeber chill the fk out and stop causing a karen attitude.
Friend:Yo bro why tf that guy has a dark auro surrounding him
Me:Oh his a little bitch born a bitch ass and will die as a bitch ass
Friend:Well Said
Me:I know haha the true meaning of a Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet
by BadComputer September 4, 2023
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British slang for masturbation. Not to be confused with "a proper rogering", which refers to someone who needs a good fuck.
A few clicks on pHub and it is self-rogering time.
by SteelCityMafia November 24, 2017
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A person that strokes their own ego constantly by trying to build themselves up to others buy bragging about what they have and how great they are at everything.
That dude is a straight up self-fluffer that never stops bragging about how he is the big baller that has had ever woman in this town.
by ODGumby23 February 11, 2021
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