National Make out day falls on 16-17 of October so if you like it or not people are aloud to Make out with you
Person 1: did your seriously make out with her

Person 2: Yes it's National Make Out Day Init
Person 1: Sick dude I'm gonna ask her to make out with me
by Intersaver October 13, 2018
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a powerful response meaning to discuss something by making out instead of talking.
girl: "My Dad lost his job, my Mom is leaving him, and my boyfriend just dumped me!"

you: "Ah, don't cry sweetie. We will go over here, and let's make out about it , okay?"
by JYoung508 January 15, 2009
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When two people are within a verbal or physical battle and both parties agree to not only stop fighting, but to make out to forgive each other.
I am sorry... Can we just make up & make out?
by Hivterfall July 20, 2014
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1. Noun; The act of pretending to make out with someone, or another sexual act.
"Your girlfriend got a good sense of humor?"
"We just fake-out-make-out
by TheCoolKiwiBird September 9, 2016
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A) referrs to the sharing of one's beverage, and the exchange of body fluids from the participants.

B) You have shared a beverage with everyone who has ever shared a beverage with someone you shared a beverage with.
Brian and Tim have had soda-pop make-out because they both shared a drink with Tiffany.
by Monkey Toker March 24, 2006
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Another way of saying that you are in the process of vomiting or have to vomit
Example 1:

Girl 1: Hey, have you seen my friend?

Girl 2: Yeah, she's had one too many and is currently busy making out with her trashcan.

Example 2:

Guy (with shit breath): Damn, girl, you're HOT!
Girl: Excuse me while I go make out with my trashcan
by KennyBadRomance March 30, 2011
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