Bunch of white boys who want to have their own gang.....
ooh look at me i wear paint
i pretned im a clown
homie, juggalo for life
down with the clown

stop stealing stuff off us mexicans u stupid white trash
by MExIcan April 13, 2005
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A Juggalo is generally someone who listens to "The Insane Clown Posse". Most juggalos whine and complain about how terrible their life is, instead of growing a pair and dealing with it. Generally a middle class child from the suburbs of sunny Florida.

Silent Gay and Faggy 2 Dope are a disgrace to all of Detroit, and completely dilute what Detroit is really about. Havin' fun and kickin' ass.
Rational Person: Damn, things aren't going well right now. I'm gonna call up some friends to cheer me up.

The next day:
Wow, what a great party haha.

Juggalo: Damn yo, society's fucked up. Why ain't it normal to wear face paint at the age of 22 dog? They discriminatin' at us, callin' us freaks. Why we so poor, why errybody be hatin' on me. MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING MORE SULKING.

The next day: Suicide.
by DxTroit June 18, 2009
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A primary Example of what happens to society when some one is always tired of being the bitch. Juggalos like all social groups are brought together by a mutual interest in somthing. The word itself is derived from a concert (ICP concert) when some douche bag said: "are there any juggalos in the house?" and the rest they say is history. but at current juggalos are the sociological equivilincy of herpys. they are annoying hard to get rid of, and you usually know some one who has them around. They are obnoxios and tend to be aggressive when in large numbers. but without, they are pussies. *NOTE* They are pansies to the degree of carrying weapons, and usually think they have balls when they carry them. Its should be also noted that when a juggalo picks a fight with you, chances are they will bring friends, so just suprise him, (dont jump him) but suprise him.
Juggalo: Whoop whoop

Guy 1: your gay

Juggalo: you just dont get me, you don't understand juggalo life.

Guy 2: its not that he dosn't get you, its just the fact that he doesn't care.

Juggalo: yo man, thats not cool, i am part of a family.

Guy 1: so where the nazis
by FarmerGomez November 25, 2009
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1. A person who seeks to be individual by dressing like, acting like, and listening to the same music as all of his or her juggalo friends.

2. A person who lives in the gray area between 'cult member' and 'juvenile delinquent.'
"As a juggalo, I'm so unique, I wear face paint and ugly clothes that no one but the other trillion jugallos in the world would wear."
by 20smiles09 March 23, 2008
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A white cracker fuckface who is a total insult to white people, they put on clown makeup to hide the fact that they are homosexuals and threaten to kill people with hatchets if they aren't "down for some ass sex with the clown". They should NOT under any circumstances be taken as a threat because their insults couldn't even intimidate a 5 year old, and if I was to see a bunch of clown fags running after me I would die laughing.
I hate the ICP, they are a lame band if I dare call them a band.


I grab the Juggalo by the throat and beat the holy fuck out of them.
by Mr. Zimpy July 15, 2010
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Well, to start off, I've met a fair amount of Juggalos in my time and most of the ones I've seen are, well to put this as nicely as possible, faggots. I'm not saying they all are, but from what I've heard and experienced most are. A few think they're hardasses but they really aren't. They say they would die for there Juggalo family but they're lying. They preform petty crimes they think they are going to get away with and the few I've met try to pick fights with people they know they can't win. In reality the Juggalo Family is really just a fakeass gang, who will probably get shot up by Crips or Bloods or the Mafia.
Juggalo = A weird ass kid who shares smiliar traits with Emos but have a different taste in music.
by Fuckwititbitchjuggalos September 5, 2008
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White trash hill billy adults who yell "whoop whoop" at each other while splashing grape Faygo on each other's clown makeup. Whoever buys more expensive or rare ICP merchandise is the bigger Juggalo. The quest to becoming the greatest Juggalo ever is by buying as much ICP merchandise and Psychopathic Records merchandise as you can.

Only once you buy 10,000 dollars worth of Juggalo merchandise, can you be considered a true Juggalo.
"I bought a half drunken bottle of grape Faygo that Violent J drank out of in 1998 off of Ebay therefore I am a true Juggalo."
by boozec April 11, 2010
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