Only the best beach club in the world, located at plymouth, MA. Kick ass tennis team, amazing swim team, great staff and managers. The pool is crystal clear and warm and perfectly salted. The food is grilled to perfection. The boys are all amazingly hot, with six packs. and the girls are sizzlin'. Swim team is so fun, no one cheats ever. NO RUNNING! There are no rules except for that. Babies never cry. Everyone is always Happy! Lemme tell ya, you wanna go there.
The Sun always shines at the Eel River Beach Club!
by Lauren and Kelsey January 1, 2006
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During sex, at the moment of orgasm, a ginger shocks himself with a defibrillator, causing the electric current to travel through his penis to stimulate his partner. This is only safe when performed by a ginger, particularly one who has perfected the art of Monster Sex.
Serious burns and/or death may result, but trust us, it's worth the risk.
by Gingeranator March 8, 2014
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Being unable to see the bigger picture. Focusing on the eels without dealing with the larger hovercraft
I can't see the hovercraft for the eels
by markymoo72 May 12, 2019
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A state of moderate excitement followed by a sense of disappointment followed by excitement.
Did you hear the new Patrick Ball Song? It put a Eel in my crab trap .
by Bangerflanger July 25, 2017
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an acronym for help

if your friend likes to say it you should probably check up on them
friend 1 (randomly): haha eels look pretty
friend 2: are you doin okay bro?
friend 1: no dude... my girlfriend left me and i've been so lonely and depressed lately i-
friend 2: LMAO
by phantomzx10 November 2, 2020
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A simple justification to why you do something odd or random.
"Roman, why do you like snapping your neighbors' necks?"
"Well, Brittney, That's How I feed my Eel."
by HipstaSquirrel June 15, 2016
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eel-ish lookin queer that licks the wang resembling an eel on his face (dick being the eel) and him being a faggot for sucking dick
mike bolton is a eel face faggot. he eats poopsicles
by goozle February 13, 2004
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