The act of throwing your hands up and announcing yourself
Hey yo food stamp!!
Ere I ee!!
by Real deal20 September 12, 2019
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Cei ee is a girl who is kind-hearted, and always give a thought about others and she is very pretty and cute and she always disagrees with a ryan when he say he is useless like bruh
cei ee, stop being a cei ee and accept ryan is useless
by Cei ee May 30, 2022
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omo omomomomomomoomomomomo
so cute and precious
humour dead as hell


literally matured :angry:
'your name must be qian ee'

'omo omo'
by imasimpforyou March 16, 2022
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to yell or scream at an employies or a baby sitter/nanny for doing a shity job at what they do.
"shittinannys (shit-ta-nan-ees)"

present tence
shanna you are such a fricken shittinanny.

past tence
i just got shittinannyed for my work.

future tence
i just got arrested at baby sitting so i'll proboble get shittinannyed
by wackjobg January 8, 2010
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Someone who simps for Kazuha and 2d guys because SG guys are trash
Fang Ee has high standards. If you're not a bunch of pixels she doesn't want you.
by fuzzyllamalumps November 21, 2021
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a snow white : very kind and takes everything seriously, when she sets a goal, she'll never stop to achieve it. when u wanna complain bout something, she is a good listener.
Person 1: Wow, who's she? She is as beautiful as Snow White.

Person 2: Oh, thats Ee Ean. My best friend :D
by rainbowflyingcat June 5, 2023
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