A woman with a really juicy private area..
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootie pop? ONE right down the middle.
by Muriel Baggs June 2, 2022
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Smegma on the vagina, similar to dicc cheese; a build up of sweat, dead skin cells, and other bodily fluids between the folds of the vagina
Dang Becky smelled like BO and butt last night, she needs to wash her genitals better and get all that tootie trash off.
by galxygr3ngirafe June 27, 2022
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A slang term for diarrhea coined by me as a child which has now spread into the lexicon of a subset of people in Central Ohio
“Where did Dan go?” “I just saw him sprint to the bathroom” “Ah, he must have a bad case of the splooty tooties then”
by Evandm04 August 14, 2023
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A mean or annoying person that should leave everyone alone
Person : hey look at that annoying person
Person 2: oh ya he’s a crusty tooty
by Carol_thebomb November 18, 2020
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The physiological activity in which one is engaged during an episode of increased fart frequency.
"How's your night goin'?"
"Eh, so so. The dog's poppin' tootie tonight and it is real bad"
by Owen Wilsons Nose February 3, 2021
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Derived from the term tootie meaning girls vagina, anytime you run your mouth in fanstasy football and then lose by at least 50 points.
Paul trash talked a lot before their matchup, but Jim ended up giving him a Tootie Blasting.
by BonethugsSP99 October 21, 2017
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