Slang for a colonoscopy
Source: "5 Ways We're Designing Robots to Be Total Assholes"
"In the end, it took a team of 35 people to develop a filter to make {the IBM Watson supercomputer to} stop swearing and wipe the Urban Dictionary from his memory to prepare him for his future as 'a diagnostic tool for hospitals.' We can only hope that they missed some profane nugget hiding in a dark recess of his hard drives, which doctors will hilariously discover when Watson starts referring to a colonoscopy procedure as an 'asshole spelunking'."
by Freezing in Chicago December 9, 2013
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The act of fucking a pussy so loose it reminds you of exploring the cavernous depths of a damp dark cave spelunking
Guy 1: Man, I hooked up with that chick from the club last night ..

Guy 2: nice! She a good fuck?

Guy 1: nah- let me put it this way... I wouldn’t say we “fucked” as much as I would say that I ended up going cunt spelunking
by Ellecapone1337 December 25, 2017
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A man, especially under 25, who is skilled in cunnilingus; most engage in spelunking - i.e. cave exploration by unqualified amateurs.
She would have left him, but Bill was one of the few non-spelunkers of her youth.
by Little boo April 10, 2010
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The act of teaming up (or going solo) and raiding the nether in minecraft for valuable materials, such as Exp, Blaze Rods, Ancient Debris, etc
Hey, wanna go nether spelunking?
Nah, I need to enchant my armor first.
by Mr. Enderman February 7, 2020
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When a Boomer visits a Millennial and the Millennial offers the Boomer coffee, and the Boomer asks for sugar. The Millennial will then be forced to hunt down the sugar in their pantry, a calcified half pound bag inside a baggie inside a Tupperware container stuffed somewhere in the back on the bottom shelf behind the disaster supplies.

This also applies when a Boomer visits you and you try to serve them a bowl of cereal, strawberries, tea, iced tea or grapefruit.
Honey, Bob asked for coffee: I'm going Sugar Spelunking.
by OffHisMeds July 22, 2020
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Guy 1: "hey man, I'm thinking about becoming a full-time spelunker."

Guy 2: "How the fuck did you get in my house?"
by Not videogamedunkey November 10, 2022
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A person or persons who enjoy exploring another persons anal cavity
Thomas and robert are experienced butt-spelunkers, every day they enthusiastically explore eachothers anal cavities with many tricks and techniques!
by RandomPlatypus June 12, 2018
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