A girl who lives a grim lifestyle, often has greasy hair, probably has nits and probably smokes weed in the park.
Have you seen that Beth Moore, she's such a skank.
by randomshizzle May 6, 2015
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Physical flaws caused usually caused by sexual disease or any type of infection causing just nasty looking shit to appear
1) Dude that girl had skankness all around her mouth.

2) I smelled something funny, took a look downstairs, and it was just pure skankess
by D. Will July 14, 2003
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A nasty, trashy girl in which guys look to only for sex. Usually very ugly.
I.E.-"Butterface" Everything's good on that skank but-her-face.

Christina-Did you see that skank at the mall??
Michelle-Duh! That skank was Katelin!

by DJSammyJ August 31, 2006
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rhythm played by the guitar player in a reggae band...on the 2 and 4 beat
easy skankin...

you skank so, you skank so...
by noodlehoss April 15, 2004
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One who opens their mouth and their legs too much.
That girl Savanna is the biggest SKANK in Conroe!
by MaryJaneBlount May 1, 2008
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Feminine: a girl or woman who persents imorality, a disreguard for civilized ways, hedonisic behaviors that lowers her value.
Paris Hilton gives new demension to The Complete, Total, Skank
by Ffaattmmaann June 16, 2007
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a word used to describe when a friend or person has let you down or not turned up to me you
did you go and meet your mate at the pub? "no he skanked me out"

or if this happend regulary you may say "he's such a skank"
by simon porter November 16, 2007
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