A type of credit card that is backed by a savings account used as collateral on the credit available with the card.
"You don't have a credit history? Let me help you by applying you to a secured credit card"
by Polokid246 November 21, 2017
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when you get a random wedgie when your ginch rides up into your ass crack.
Jeeze, Tom, get your hand out of your pants! WTF is wrong with you?

Trying to reverse an unauthorised credit card swipe.
Ahh, ginch up your crack, eh? Okay, I had no idea. . .
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada August 21, 2022
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It’s just a dream, get over it, u see It on tv, this thing don’t exist..
Julia: Heyyyy! I got a limitless credit card
Me: credit card with no limits don’t exist mi gurl :( get over it, ur not cool, it’s really not that deep.
by M0thyzxx x3 🍓🐾🌺 July 2, 2022
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A broke bitch who racked up 4k in credit card fraud
Little miss credit card fraud - LMYLIO or Susu use his uncle card to buy 4k worth of shit :0 credit card fraud charges are coming hot
by Miss fenty ma November 2, 2022
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A credit card (see definition) but done on the front, or crotch area
My cousin walked by and gave me a French credit card
by Rebeccable December 23, 2019
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When your partner is laying face down and you slide your phone down their ass cheeks by trick shooting it in from a distance.
Yeah, we were just laying on his Garfield bed sheets and I got up Credit Card Swiping him.
by Terrence’sBones August 3, 2022
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Is when you flip her upside down and swipe a cookie of your choice from the pinker to the stinker.
Miranda wanted a Carolina credit card yesterday evening, but I didn't have a Cookie
by Okamiiiiiii November 29, 2022
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