Defacating through a hole cut in a hammoc, while someone lays beneath said hammoc.
Chris enjoys receiving Appalachian Avalanches on the regular!
by Doug Social June 25, 2023
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A group orgy with 1 old lady and 37 men. Then everyone cums into her mouth one by one, making it spill over like an avalanche.
I had the biggest arkansas avalanche with terry's mother last night.
by x911sniper March 3, 2014
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after cumming on a girls face you then punch her either in the nose or the lip to make them bleed and the combination of cum and blood is called cherry avalanche
my girl likes it rough so i gave her a cherry avalanche last night.
by ulrichwulf February 19, 2010
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The act of placing strawberries into a woman's vagina followed by intense sexual intercourse. Once ejaculation from the man ensues, he then pulls out. The mixture of semen and mashed strawberries that pour out of the woman is a strawberry avalanche.
When I brought home this girl last night, we decided to make a strawberry avalanche.
by Savage Teocott July 6, 2011
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A string of unwanted responses to a people-wide sent e-mail that are both unwanted and unnecessary. E-mail avalanches usually start with "RE:" These annoying e-mails usually trickle in all day, and if they occur at work, they have little to nothing to do with any important or pressing issue.
RE: Last Night
From: Katie

PLEASE stop these e-mails! I feel like I'm buried in an e-mail avalanche. Too many flakes starting an avalanche.

RE: Last Night
From: John

Food sucked!


RE: Last Night
From: Bill

Loved the music. Awesome jobs!


RE: Last Night
From: Becca

I concur! Absolutely awesome!



To: Company Employees
Subject: Last Night

Great Party!


by Artemis19 May 10, 2011
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when u are fucking a girl an she has an oragasm and pees
Man I was with sherri last night an she had an Alabama Avalanche
by Issandria June 3, 2007
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The often heard avalanche of faecal matter erupting from someone's bowels in a public bathroom...
A: "Dude i was just in the bathroom and the place shook with a damn brown avalanche!"
B: "Sick!"
C Walks in with a pleased grin on his face.
A: "Feeling relieved?"
C: "Oh yeah."
by dj357 December 2, 2007
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