An absolutely amazing guy, always laughing, does everything to cheer you up, kinda shy but once you get to know him he's amazing, so friendly, loving, kind, loves to joke around and attracts bare girls from his personality alone, cute face and nice arms.
Girl : "Look at that cutie over there!"

Guy : "Oh yeah, that's Aid"
by SomeGirl101010101 July 6, 2011
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The fucking you get from the fucking you got.
Having unprotected sex with an hiv or aids carrier
by Brian dg May 13, 2005
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An African Invention, created by a black man engaging in sex with a monkey..... I kid you not...Blacks are embarrassed by this fact so they, along with their liberal cohorts, claim aids was "created by the US government to wipe out blacks and gays". Blacks and gays have higher STD rates because of the lifestyles they are more prone to engage in, not anyone else's fault.

According to the 2000 Census, African Americans make up 12.3% of the population of the United States. However, they have accounted for 39% — more than 347,000 — of the more than 886,000 estimated AIDS cases diagnosed since the beginning of the epidemic. By the end of December 2002, more than 185,000 African Americans had died with AIDS.

For people diagnosed with AIDS since 1994, African Americans had the poorest survival rates of all racial and ethnic groups, with 55% surviving after 9 years compared to 61% of Hispanics, 64% of whites, and 69% of Asian/ Pacific Islanders.

In 2000, HIV/AIDS was among the top three causes of death for African-American men ages 25-54 and African-American women ages 35-44.2

AIDS in 2002:

African Americans accounted for about 21,000, or 50 percent, of the more than 42,000 estimated AIDS cases diagnosed among adults in the United States.
The AIDS diagnosis rate among African Americans was almost 11 times the rate among whites. African-American women had a 23 times greater diagnoses rate than white women. African- American men had almost a 9 times greater rate of AIDS diagnosis than white men.

Over 162,000 African Americans were living with AIDS in the United States. They accounted for 42% of all people in the United States living with AIDS.

The countries with the MOST cases of aids are the following-


As you may notice, they are ALL sub Saharan African countries

Q: what is aids
A: An HIV virus invented by sexually deviant black men, and is more prevalent among blacks, just like all STDS.
by Jerome W June 21, 2017
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Alcohol Induced Drizzle shits. When you drop a duece after a hard night of drinking and it's pretty much liquid.
Guy 1: Oh man, I have AIDS!
Guy 2: Dude, this is fucking serious, how did you get it?
Guy 1: I drank a shit load of Miller High Life!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: Yeah, Aids...alcohol induced drizzle shits.
by kissthesharks October 8, 2009
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Gossip that makes you immensely cringe. (Gives you aids)
Bro someone told me that Emily likes James, that gave me the biggest Aids.
by Ka chow 5569 August 5, 2019
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Alcohol induced drippy shits the shits you get the next day after drinking to much
i'm definitely getting aids if i drink jack tonight
by square one December 24, 2010
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V. The act of knowingly transmitting AIDs, and then bragging about it the next day to your sexual partner.

Also AIDed, AID, or any sense of helping someone by the act if giving them AIDs as a gift.
Man-"Hey, last night was great."
Girl-"Yeah, too bad I had AIDs! Haha, that's what you get for cheating on me!"
Man-"Wait, were you AIDing me last night!?"
by Autto November 25, 2009
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