This slang is more obscure but refers to dating the same sex. It’s making a sexual preference reference to the slang swing left or swing right.
I’m a girl looking for a girl; so If you don’t drive in the left lane, swipe left!
by Avtar Ji September 19, 2021
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One who is watching drive with a female friend who then proceed to get shwifty
Me and a friend of my wanted to drive and chill but I didn't look like Ryan gosling
by OPOG420 October 1, 2017
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Expressing you feelings of deep uncontrollable anger in a way that all the other drivers around you will know how your are feeling also.

Aggressively maneuvering around cars while shouting obscenities at them for going the speed limit.

A desperate attentpt to get attention.
My sister went through her husbands iPad and found he had been telling other people her personal issues.... The more she obsesses over the messages the more anger build up and she decided to get into her car and go rage driving like she is on a murder mission as a one man wolf pack.
by KrayzieK August 24, 2017
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The act of inserting both penis and testicles into your partner's orafice of choice.
I thrust a little to hard with the wife last night and had to drive the volleyball bus home!
by Pigdog Volt February 12, 2018
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When a group of friends fill up a water gun with their semen and proceed to spray it at pedestrians while driving by.
My cousin got hit with the North Dakota Drive-by last week.
by Phatcockandnutsmaybe May 21, 2020
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