Anthony Leal misses her, he misses her a lot, he misses talking to her every day and her random ft calls he would receive, Anthony wishes she would just text him
Hey have you checked on Anthony Leal?

No he killed himself XD
by Lamarofficial January 26, 2022
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He's a guy that showed his friend(prob a Muslim) his abnormally large dick
Holy fuck that mf Anthony Leal dick is huge
by gaymuslim January 2, 2022
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A smart person and loving human so nice and tall jawline sharp and black person
Is anthony ful ugly ..... yes jkjk
by Not Anthony ful August 12, 2019
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also known as "the living god" or "the one that doesn't need to feel superior, because he is."
Anthony Begyn is a french insecure cyberbully who surfs on videos from fandoms revolving around mainly 8 to 13 year olds such as the Violetta or pokémon fandom, and finds people to insult and children to manipulate.

Begyn is also renowned for living in a constant state of illusion, inventing a life he could never acually live because of his utter absence of real social skills. His illusions include but are not limited to:
-being the boyfriend of Maddison Rooney (a character from a disney chanel show)
-having a reliant job that allows him to buy every single new gen gaming console and go to misspelled Seychelles during his hollidays
-having an appealing physical appearance
-having geek friends who can "geolocalize" you
-actually having friends at all.

Anthony Begyn is also infamous in the french pokemon comunity for trying to reaffirm his illusory superiority by challenging people in battles on the most irrelevant tier ever; Doubles Uber, and whining like a bitch when he loses. However, because he has been banned from Pokemon Showdown, he cannot challenge people anymore, and therefore pitifully tries to taunt people into challenging him.

tl;dr: this 26years old man is a complete cunt, an absolute retard, a mythomaniac narcissist, a paranoïac creep and very likely a pedophile, and should disappear off the face of internet forever, only remaining as a meme in distant memories.
bruh be careful, Anthony Begyn's going to ask his virtual girlfriend's virtual father who is a virtual cop to geolocalise you lmao
by Not TheScarletDevil January 22, 2017
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he is that type of guy that he would make a joke and then he would laugh but then all of his”friends “would not laugh...mostly a BIGGER person.A word to discribe him is a chouch.Hes mostly a dick to girls
by exposing_fags_oops March 14, 2019
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Anthony Phillipo is one of a kind, has insane potential in sports, probably football and basketball, He is insanely good looking. On top of his sports he is an absolute fucking legend. He gets all the girls. He is in all honors classes and is just living the dream.
OMG, is that Anthony Phillipo?
by urbanman2837 January 12, 2022
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