To perform the coffee machine one must ejactulate into the vagina and The anus, trying not waste any sex mayo in the transition. When that is complete the woman must squat where she pleases and let both sources of baby gravy ooze out of both holes just like the milk and coffee from
a coffee machine hence the name.

The human coffee machine
Mate #1 - Ay lad I coffee machined Laura last night, it was mega

Mate #2- yes lad little ice frap n that
by Jonboy2246 August 26, 2021
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A tongue that has become immune to the first sip of coffee tongue burn
Person 1: Dude, did you just down that habanero?
Person 2: Yeah, I got a coffee tongue, so its no biggy
by iluvmesomecello February 11, 2011
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An Iced Coffee is the epitome of sex.

For all you girls out there, have you ever been late to class, and all you can think about is how your day would be better if you had some iced coffee? I think about this often. However, don't we think the same way about sex. You'll be sitting in work, class, or just chilling in your room thinking about how if you had sex your day would be better. I have found a question in the human mind that perhaps no scientist has ever thought about but I need an answer.

The question is, Is Iced coffee the epitome of sex in these situations?
Iced Coffee is the epitome of sex.
by The Wonderer_69 June 26, 2021
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Your honor, I couldn't have committed the crime because I had the bellboy deliver an "iced coffee" to me at that time.
by jojomooin September 27, 2017
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Going around a city to various coffee shops to pick up women.
Man 1: I went coffee shop touring and picked up 0 women.

Man 2: How many coffee shops did you visit?

Man 1: 37.

Man 3: I picked up a girl at a coffee shop.
by Ereck Flowers February 21, 2015
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This when you chug a gallon of milk while getting a blow job, spilling milk all over her face. It's as good as an iced coffee, and she let's you feel like spartan warrior.
I gave this chick the spartan iced coffee last night in her mom's bathroom, I chugged milk like a god, all over her breasts!
by gennarch December 15, 2018
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