Where two men (without erections) rub their dicks together until they get erections then one lays down face up and the other lays on top of him they suck each other's dicks until one of them cums the loser must lie down on the floor while the winner inserts his penis into the losers asshole and proceeds to fuck him until completion.
Aw man Trevor you shoulda seen joe got so drunk last night I won at the double hammer battle easily
by Abnormalcupcake March 7, 2017
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When a girl is working with maximum effort on a dudes dick (his hammer) Hard As A Motherfucker(H-a-m) in order for him to bust or ejaculate.
Male friend was talking to his other male friend...... " Yo dude, i pulled this chick named Madison last night back to my spot off the internet and let me tell you man... shorty was going Ham on the hammer kid! "
by Bladez da pro-do's-her July 30, 2021
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When consuming alcohol or cannabis and your body absorbs it as an abnormal rate. You become speedily inebriated and it takes you by surprise .
Jerry butt chugged that merlot and he’s trashed already. Dude got flash hammered!
by Seagullpants August 22, 2021
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Blonde woman that works for Ming Brother, is one of the most requested dancers. She also looks like a teen, furthermore she cries once in a while.
Ming Brother: Xie Xie Dachoh
Hammer sister: Xie Xie Dachoh

Hammer sister : *cries*
Ming Brother: 行去南色形大小是 那个
by hammer sister September 8, 2021
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Verb: The obnoxious and aggressive thrusting of the pelvis, specifically of the male pelvis; potentially thrusting into an orifice of another person, stump, or other.
To hammer-dick: The man in the apartment unit above mine incessantly hammer-dicks his significant other every Sunday morning at 8:37 am.
by pissedoffbitchesdownstairs March 28, 2018
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The art of performing anal, on your obese girlfriend/cousin, while using chew spit as your lube.
Man, I gave my cousin the lumberjack slammer hammer so hard last night, I think I might have a shit-baby nephson on the way.
by Dogbite April 8, 2018
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When someone's really, really angry. Devastating rage, self-destructive behavior, and often nonsensical disengenuous cursing... to the amusement and deight of others. Often inflicted by shitposting and irl trolling.
Mark Zuckerberg was ass hammered when he realised he can't stop me from making new fake shitposting accounts..
by Give me the zucc April 19, 2018
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