Something someone says to you to be extremely disrespectful, usually they're fake "alpha males" with a superiority complex and feel threatened by someone trying to do good in their own life. Used to put people down and feel better about oneself with extreme disrespect.
Ha! You're doing better in your life? Get under my boot.
by The psychoanalyst September 12, 2023
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Hey bruv, are you a leather boots wearer?
You see that girl over there? She wears leather boots
by Maizeiscool September 28, 2021
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Just a random phrase you say when you are in the of a exam and everything is quiet.
Boots Men Smog
by YourFriendSteve March 7, 2018
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A Boot-Gazer is a person who bends down to look under the bathroom stall in order to see the boots or shoes of the person using the toilet. The act of Boot-Gazing then permits the "Gazer" to find out, undetected, who is in the stall. Sometimes a diversion can be created, like running water or a hand dryer, to mask the sounds of a Boot-Gazing.
"Ron started the faucet and then bent down to look under the stall. He recognized Lew's Boots, thus Ron is a Boot-Gazer".
by Kirk Sullaba Saw August 30, 2007
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Skooty boot nickname for a side chick ,freak or shawty
I met me a new Skooty boot last night ,she was a real freak
by Redmandevil November 13, 2018
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a kick ass song by NOFX the greatest punk band ever!
Life is fast but I dont wanna live past you, cuz you are my only roots

I was the king of the drug booze thing now I've worn out the soles of my party boots.
by LYO45 April 25, 2009
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