A Scottish man that at that precise moment is being a tosser...
"...I said don't touch my ass, you 'Caber-Tosser'..."
by Smeeshcat January 16, 2006
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Similar to dog tosser, see http://www.urbandictionary.com
But emphasised!
An entity that personifies being a dogtosser, can also be abbreviated to BT
I hate BT
Why do I have to work with BT
What a Bulldog Tosser
by Mikeee1210 February 5, 2008
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One who does the salad toss. One who takes it uo the ass. See homo, fag, gay, faggot.
The high school jock team is just a bunch of salad tossers.
by G. Oriber February 19, 2003
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a rugby tosser is used as most people who play rugby are tossers
the rugby tossers are doon toon tonight
by sheiky September 11, 2005
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Licking pussy. If God did not want man to eat pussy then why did he make it look so much like a taco.
I'm going out tonight and I'm gonna be the biggest taco tosser in the club.
by jimmybomm July 26, 2020
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1. Verb, One who masturbates in secret.

2. Adjective, A person who befriends another, with an ulteria motive to extort from them. Projected to and thought of by the victim as a friend, although they're blatently a relentless tosser.
A: "I lent a tenner to your mate steve the other day, he's moved to Brighton."
B: "I thought he was really safe."
A: "So did I"
B: "Tosser!"
A: "No, crypto-tosser!"
by TomOscarSiSedrickEliRabinski January 25, 2012
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Cat Tosser -
1: The act of freely tossing your "Cat" at everybody. 2: Engaging in sexual experimentation with random people 3: A person who throws cats (not recommended)

Also See: Cat Tossing - Engaging in the sport of throwing Cats

See: Slut, Hoe, Easy Girl, Cheating Girlfriend
Just because you have sex once doesnt mean that you can throw your cat at everyone!

You Cat Tosser!
by Pureinsanity99 January 9, 2012
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